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NetZero Nestable Pallets: A Solution for Space Optimization and Increased Productivity

Updated: Sep 19

NetZero Pallet, with its innovative design and eco-friendly materials, provides an answer to many transportation challenges, particularly through its nestable feature. This blog will explore the benefits of nestable pallets, the common drawbacks of using forklift trucks in transport, and how NetZero Pallet outshines traditional wooden and NetZero Pallet in truck loading efficiency.

What Is Nestable Pallet?

A nestable pallet is a type of pallet designed to save space when not in use. These pallets have legs or feet that fit into one another, allowing multiple pallets to "nest" within each other when stacked.

Nestable Pallet

This feature reduces the amount of floor or storage space they occupy, both in warehouses and during transport.

Key benefits of nestable pallets

  • Space-saving: By nesting into one another, these pallets take up significantly less space.

  • Lower shipping costs: When empty, a truck can carry more nestable pallets due to their compact design.

  • Environmentally friendly: The space-saving nature reduces the need for multiple trucks or containers, lowering the carbon footprint.

  • Versatility: These pallets can be used across different industries, from agriculture to retail.

NetZero Pallet takes this concept a step further by producing nestable pallets made from sustainable materials such as agricultural waste, offering both efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Drawback of Forklift Trucks in Transport

Forklift trucks are widely used to move pallets in warehouses and during transport. However, despite their advantages in loading and unloading, forklift trucks also have drawbacks, especially when it comes to transporting non-nestable pallets.

  • Limited maneuverability: Forklift trucks require sufficient space to operate, and in a tightly packed warehouse or truck, navigating them can be challenging. Non-nestable pallets increase this issue by taking up more space.

  • Increased labor costs: With more trips needed due to fewer pallets fitting in a single load, labor costs rise as more time is spent moving and stacking.

  • Higher fuel consumption: Forklifts generally run on fuel, so the more trips they need to make to load pallets, the higher the fuel consumption and associated costs.

According to the National Safety Council, forklift accidents lead to an average of 101 deaths and 94,570 injuries each year. Although forklifts play a crucial role in ensuring a consistent movement of raw materials and finished products in industrial settings, they also pose significant risks to both operators and nearby pedestrians.

Nestable Pallet

Using nestable pallets, such as NetZero Pallets, mitigates these problems.

Truck Load Comparisons for Wooden and Nestable NetZero Pallets

One of the most significant areas where nestable pallets prove their worth is in truck load efficiency. Traditional wooden and compressed pallets often fall short due to their rigid design, which doesn’t allow for nesting.

Annual Quantity of Pallets

Trucks of Wooden pallet 580 pallet / truck

Truck of NetZero Pallet 1280 pallet/truck


% of Difference





53% Less





53% Less





55% Less





55% Less





55% Less

Based on the truck load comparison chart, NetZero Pallet significantly reduce the number of trucks required to transport the same quantity of goods compared to wooden pallets.

This reduction is consistent across various annual pallet quantities, with a consistent 53-55% reduction in truck loads. This demonstrates the efficiency and sustainability benefits of using NetZero Pallet for transportation and logistics operations.

The nestable design of these pallets allows for more efficient transportation, reducing the number of trips needed and consequently lowering the risk of lift truck accidents by 64%.

Nestable NetZero Pallets vs. GMA Wooden Pallets: Lift Trucks To Load Pallet Dispensers

The nestable feature of NetZero Pallets allows them to be stacked more efficiently, reducing clutter in the receiving area and providing drivers with better visibility.

Annual Quantity of Pallets

Number of Lift Truck Trips for Wooden pallet (18/stack)

Number of Lift Truck Trip for NetZero Pallet (50/stack)


% of Difference





64% Less





64% Less





64% Less





64% Less





64% Less

In conclusion, nestable pallets offer a variety of benefits for businesses in logistics and manufacturing. Here are the key points of the comparision:

  • Reduced forklift traffic: Nestable pallets allow more pallets to be stored in a smaller space, reducing the number of forklift trips needed to transport pallets between storage, production, and shipping areas.

  • Increased pallet capacity: A pallet dispenser can hold significantly more nestable Inca pallets compared to traditional GMA 48"x40" pallets, further reducing the need for frequent forklift trips.

  • Improved efficiency: By reducing forklift traffic, businesses can improve overall efficiency and productivity.

  • Enhanced safety: Fewer forklift trips can also lead to a safer working environment by reducing the risk of accidents.

More information at

NetZero Pallet®

Singapore Office

​Location: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, Singapore 

Postal Code: 07990

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